Strengthen Your Institution’s Digital Resilience

The increasing reliance on digital technologies in finance coupled with the rapidly evolving digital landscape presents significant challenges to financial institutions worldwide, particularly in the area of operational resilience. Financial services become more vulnerable to cyber threats, system failures, and other risks.

This white paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), outlining its key requirements and implications for financial institutions.

As your organization prepares for DORA compliance by January 2025, understanding its requirements and implementing the right governance is critical. AndSecure can help you out.


Why AndSecure?

AndSecure offers a rare experience in cybersecurity practice and corporate governance in the banking industry. We provide you with an assessment to identify potential gaps in your cybersecurity framework and analyse how your company falls short of the compliance with DORA requirements. We help you complete your DORA cybersecurity risk management framework. We assist you in implementing the necessary measures and strategies. We are your prime partner for DORA implementation.

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